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Fishing Report - 7/1/23

Andrew O'Neill

Runoff is finally coming to an end, plenty of insects of all varieties are out and about, and trout are happy and hungry - it is officially wade fishing season in southeastern Wyoming. The North Platte and Laramie Rivers are still running just a bit high, making wading a little difficult in some spots, but that should change as flows continue to recede throughout the week ahead. All tributary streams are wadeable with fair to great fishing. Alpine lakes are becoming more accessible as snow continues to melt, although access is still restricted to some of the lakes above 10,500'. Overall, fishing is great with plenty of options right now - this is a great time to be fishing around Laramie!

Upper North Platte

Flows: ~ 600 cfs

Conditions: With the exception of some scattered rainfall, the Platte has been dropping consistently for the past week. While still a little on the high side, flows should be dropping into very wadeable levels in the next few days. There is no shortage of insect activity right now, with PMDs, caddis, stoneflies, as well as plenty of hoppers around. Any variation of a dry dropper rig imitating these bugs with a nymph imitating a stonefly or caddis should be quite effective.

Flies: Dry flies; Carnage Stone, Christensen's Salmonfly, Swisher's Foam PMX, Chubby Chernobyl, Light Cahill, Stimulator, Elk Hair Caddis, Corn Fed Caddis, Parachute Adams

Nymphs; Rubber Legs (#6 - #10), Tim's Stone, Restless Stone, CDC Stone, 20 Incher, Blow Torch, Hare's Ear, Devil Jig, HDA FAV, Dirty Bird, Caddistrophic Pupa, Prince Nymph, Copper John, 307 Nymph, Psycho Prince

Streamers; Tequeely, Sculpzilla, Slumpbuster, Wedgehead Streamer, Baby Gonga, Dirty Hippy, Pine Squirrel

Laramie River

Flows: ~ 250 cfs

Conditions: The Laramie recently saw a bump in flows following some biblical rainfall, but is dropping once again and has been hanging around 250 cfs. The river is mostly wadeable right now, although just a touch on the high side. That should be changing, and anglers should have no trouble crossing and wading in the week ahead. Plenty of bugs are around, including drakes, PMDs, caddis, yellow sallies, and small yellow and brown stoneflies. Dry fly fishing has been great.

Flies: Dry flies; Carnage Drake, Bear's HiViz Brown Drake, Green Drake Parachute, Stimulator, Elk Hair Caddis, Light Cahill, Humpy, Para Adams, 409 Yeager, Amy's Ant, Chubby Chernobyl

Nymphs; Rubber Legs, Restless Stone, CDC Stone, 20 Incher, Blow Torch, Caddistrophic Pupa, 307 Nymph, Psycho Prince, HDA FAV, Scuds

Streamers; Tequeely, Sculpzilla, Slumpbuster, Baby Gonga, GB Crystal Bugger, Platte River Spider, Pine Squirrel

Tributary Streams

Flows: 50 - 400 cfs

Conditions: Most of the primary tributaries to the Laramie and Platte Rivers are in excellent condition right now, with good, wadeable flows, great clarity, and tons of insect activity.

Flies: Flies: Dry flies; Chubby Chernobyl, 409 Yeager, Amy's Ant, Stimulator, Elk Hair Caddis, Corn Fed Caddis, Parachute Adams, Light Cahill

Nymphs; Devil Jig, Blow Torch, HDA FAV, Psycho Prince, Hare's Ear, Prince Nymph, Copper John, Caddistrophic Pupa, CDC Stone, 20 Incher, San Juan Worm, Squirmy Wormy

Streamers: Sculpzilla, Tequeely, Slumpbuster, GB Crystal Bugger, Wolly Bugger, Pine Squirrel

Alpine Lakes

Conditions: Many alpine lakes are completely free of ice and fish ought to be hungry after the long winter! Most lakes below 10,500' in elevation are completely ice free. Lakes around the 10,500' elevation mark and higher are beginning to ice off, and should continue this week - however snow fields continue to restrict access to higher elevation lakes. Dry flies are coming into play with increasing insect activity. Streamers and nymphs should be effective options as well.

Flies: Streamers; GB Crystal Bugger, Wolly Bugger, Slumpbuster, Pine Squirrel

Dry flies; Amy's Ant, Dave's Beetle, Hippie Stomper, CDC Ant, 409 Yeager, CDC Ant, Hippie Stomper

Nymphs; Hare's Ear, Psycho Prince, Bat Wing Emerger, Brassie, Biot Midge Emerger, Scuds, Pheasant Tail, Zebra Midge, Juju Baetis

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