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Fishing Report - 9/6/23

Andrew O'Neill

Fall weather is starting to arrive and we should be seeing some improved fishing conditions with the cooler weather. The Platte, Laramie River, and tributary streams remain day-to-day in terms of fishing conditions with lower water and climbing afternoon water temperatures. Rain has created some poor visibility on the Platte and Laramie and made for slower fishing at times. High country lakes and streams remain the best option, but look for our local rivers and tributaries to start picking up as fish go into fall feed mode.

Upper North Platte

Flows: ~ 150 cfs

Conditions: Variable water conditions depending on rain. Fishing outside of periods of rain when flows are dropping has provided the best fishing lately. Caddis, PMDs, some remaining tricos and hoppers will dominate dry fly selections. Caddis and stonefly nymph patterns such as the Blow Torch, Rubber Legs, 20 Incher, and Hare's Ear should make up nymph selections for a hopper dropper or two-nymph rig. Look for fish to start becoming aggressive as they begin bulking up with the cooler weather - streamers such as the Sculpzilla, Slumpbuster, Mini Dungeon, and Tequeely should be effective patterns for targeting larger fish, especially in the mornings and evenings.

Flies: Dry flies; Chubby Trico Spinner, Parachute Adams, Griffith's Gnat, Light Cahill, Elk Hair, Stimulator, Amy's Ant, Hippie Stomper

Nymphs; WD 40, Juju Baetis, Blow Torch, 307 Nymph, Psycho Prince, Prince Nymph, HDA FAV, Caddistrophic Pupa, Devil Jig, 20 Incher, Tim's Stone, Rubber Legs

Streamers: Slumpbuster, Tequeely, Platte River Spider, Wolly Bugger, Sculpzilla

Laramie River

Flows: ~ 25 cfs

Conditions: Low and clear. Fishing is a bit more technical with lower flows, so anglers may want to err towards longer leaders and smaller tippet. Caddis should be coming off sporadically throughout the day. Stonefly and caddis nymph patterns will be effective this time of year. Streamers should start coming into play as well as fish become more aggressive in the cooler weather.

Flies: Dry flies; Stimulator, Little Yellow Stone, Amy's Ant, 409 Yeager, Elk Hair Caddis, Light Cahill, Humpy, Para Adams, Chubby Chernobyl, B/C Dropper Hopper

Nymphs; Rubber Legs, Restless Stone, CDC Stone, 20 Incher, Blow Torch, Caddistrophic Pupa, 307 Nymph, Psycho Prince, HDA FAV, Scuds

Streamers; Tequeely, Sculpzilla, Slumpbuster, Baby Gonga, GB Crystal Bugger, Platte River Spider, Pine Squirrel

Tributary Streams

Flows: ~ 15 - 55 cfs

Conditions: Most tributary streams are running low and clear right now and will require a little extra stealth and delicate presentations to find fish.

Flies: Dry flies; Amy's Ant, 409 Yeager, Stimulator, Elk Hair Caddis, Corn Fed Caddis, Parachute Adams, Light Cahill

Nymphs; Devil Jig, Blow Torch, HDA FAV, Psycho Prince, Hare's Ear, Prince Nymph, Copper John, Caddistrophic Pupa, CDC Stone, 20 Incher, San Juan Worm, Squirmy Wormy

Streamers: Slumpbuster, GB Crystal Bugger, Wolly Bugger, Pine Squirrel, Platte River Spider

Alpine Lakes

Conditions: Now is an excellent time to hit the high country. All alpine lakes throughout the Snowy Range are accessible and have been fishing fair to excellent. Fishing should only improve with cold weather setting in as high country trout will be scrambling to bulk up for the long winter ahead.

Flies: Streamers; GB Crystal Bugger, Wolly Bugger, Slumpbuster, Pine Squirrel

Dry flies; Amy's Ant, Dave's Beetle, Hippie Stomper, CDC Ant, 409 Yeager, CDC Ant, Hippie Stomper

Nymphs; Hare's Ear, Psycho Prince, Bat Wing Emerger, Brassie, Biot Midge Emerger, Scuds, Pheasant Tail, Zebra Midge, Juju Baetis



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